
We want to do anything we can to do our part to help employers and job seekers successfully navigate through the current circumstances we are all experiencing.

Lucan Group is currently offering employers in Australia & New Zealand a range of complimentary services and consultations that are designed to assist your company in any way we can.

Some of our complimentary consultation services include:

Behavioural Assessment & Profiles

  • Free ‘Role Profile/s’
    • Identify, define & benchmark behaviours for roles
  • Develop staff engagement and training needs/plans
  • Recruitment process strategy

Accounting, Tax & Finance

  • Federal & State government incentives & stimulus packages, including immediate:
    • tax write-offs & deductions
    • tax free cash injections
    • wage subsidies
    • payroll tax exceptions
    • business loan preparations
    • tax deferrals
  • Cashflow management


  • COVID-19 (information, management, process & reporting) consultation:
    • Hygiene, Social distancing, isolation
  • WHS (Work Health Safety)
  • Policy (review, modification & creation)
  • Leave entitlements
  • Outplacements


  • Employment contract review (leave entitlements, redundancy, termination, policies)
  • Company policies consultant
  • Redundancy / Termination consultation


  • Policy review consultation
  • Policy needs analysis

To register your interest – please click the button below.

Lucan Group utilise the latest in technology platforms and can deliver all our services through video/teleconference services. Our recruitment, HR, accounting, finance and legal consultants are all currently working from home wherever possible. We believe in practicing the best in preventative measures that protect our people, our clients and to set an example we can be proud of.

We understand the substantial impact the COVID19 virus is placing on the economy, market, employers and individuals is stressful. We are trying our best to do our part and help wherever we can. Lucan Group cannot guarantee we will be able to respond or provide solutions to everyone – but we will wherever it is reasonably possible. Most of the candidates we are assisting at present are not within our core business/specialised areas, but we will always endeavour to assist anyone we can.